Voice actor:Takeru Kikuchi

EX-job:pro soccer player



Birthday:July 7th


stats:Da > Vi > Vo



Height:161 cm

Weight: 52 kg


star sign:Cancer

Yusuke is a former professional soccer player and Kyosuke's older twin brother.
Always full of energy and cheer, he's the type who moves before thinking, the complete opposite of the contemplative Kyosuke.
His positive attitude and cheerfulness lets him get along well with people.
Yusuke always relies on his intuition, and is a genius in his own right because of it. However, since he fails to notice the smaller details, he often follows his brother's lead instead. He's also not good at studying.

Appeal Chance!

• Yusuke isn't good at dealing with scary things like ghosts and horror, as seen most notably in "GHOST SNIPERS!" and "315 Variety Pack! Made In Passion!"
• In Kyosuke's December desk line (MobaM), it's hinted that Yusuke believes in Santa

Reasons for Becoming an Idol: I'm aiming to be the world's strongest with Kyosuke!
Personal Motto: Full steam ahead! Always give it your all!
Comments for the Future: I want me and Kyosuke to be the strongest twin-idols this world’s ever seen. I don’t think there’s any unit out there more in sync than we are! Dreams make the world big! So, anyway, nice to meet you, Coach♪
Comments about Unit Members: Kyosuke? Hmm... We’ve been together since we were born, but I’ve never really thought about it before. Still, he’s a real swell and cheery guy, no two ways about it! You can take my word on that, haha♪

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